oVirt is made up of connected components that each play different roles in the environment. Planning and preparing for their requirements in advance helps these components communicate and run efficiently.

This guide covers:

  • Hardware and security requirements

  • The options available for various components

  • Recommendations for optimizing your environment

1. oVirt Architecture

oVirt can be deployed as a self-hosted engine, or as a standalone Engine. A self-hosted engine is the recommended deployment option.

1.1. Self-Hosted Engine Architecture

The oVirt Engine runs as a virtual machine on self-hosted engine nodes (specialized hosts) in the same environment it manages. A self-hosted engine environment requires one less physical server, but requires more administrative overhead to deploy and manage. The Engine is highly available without external HA management.

The minimum setup of a self-hosted engine environment includes:

  • One oVirt Engine virtual machine that is hosted on the self-hosted engine nodes. The Engine Appliance is used to automate the installation of a Enterprise Linux 9 virtual machine, and the Engine on that virtual machine.

  • A minimum of two self-hosted engine nodes for virtual machine high availability. You can use Enterprise Linux hosts or oVirt Nodes (oVirt Node). VDSM (the host agent) runs on all hosts to facilitate communication with the oVirt Engine. The HA services run on all self-hosted engine nodes to manage the high availability of the Engine virtual machine.

  • One storage service, which can be hosted locally or on a remote server, depending on the storage type used. The storage service must be accessible to all hosts.

Self-Hosted Engine Architecture
Figure 1. Self-Hosted Engine oVirt Architecture

1.2. Standalone Engine Architecture

The oVirt Engine runs on a physical server, or a virtual machine hosted in a separate virtualization environment. A standalone Engine is easier to deploy and manage, but requires an additional physical server. The Engine is only highly available when managed externally with a supported High Availability Add-On.

The minimum setup for a standalone Engine environment includes:

  • One oVirt Engine machine. The Engine is typically deployed on a physical server. However, it can also be deployed on a virtual machine, as long as that virtual machine is hosted in a separate environment. The Engine must run on Enterprise Linux 9.

  • A minimum of two hosts for virtual machine high availability. You can use Enterprise Linux hosts or oVirt Nodes (oVirt Node). VDSM (the host agent) runs on all hosts to facilitate communication with the oVirt Engine.

  • One storage service, which can be hosted locally or on a remote server, depending on the storage type used. The storage service must be accessible to all hosts.

Standalone Architecture
Figure 2. Standalone Engine oVirt Architecture

2. Requirements

2.1. oVirt Engine Requirements

2.1.1. Hardware Requirements

The minimum and recommended hardware requirements outlined here are based on a typical small to medium-sized installation. The exact requirements vary between deployments based on sizing and load.

The oVirt Engine runs on Enterprise Linux operating systems like CentOS Linux Stream 9 or AlmaLinux 9

Table 1. oVirt Engine Hardware Requirements
Resource Minimum Recommended


A dual core x86_64 CPU.

A quad core x86_64 CPU or multiple dual core x86_64 CPUs.


4 GB of available system RAM if Data Warehouse is not installed and if memory is not being consumed by existing processes.

16 GB of system RAM.

Hard Disk

25 GB of locally accessible, writable disk space.

50 GB of locally accessible, writable disk space.

Network Interface

1 Network Interface Card (NIC) with bandwidth of at least 1 Gbps.

1 Network Interface Card (NIC) with bandwidth of at least 1 Gbps.

2.1.2. Browser Requirements

The following browser versions and operating systems can be used to access the Administration Portal and the VM Portal.

Browser testing is divided into tiers:

  • Tier 1: Browser and operating system combinations that are fully tested.

  • Tier 2: Browser and operating system combinations that are partially tested, and are likely to work.

  • Tier 3: Browser and operating system combinations that are not tested, but may work.

Table 2. Browser Requirements
Support Tier Operating System Family Browser

Tier 1

Enterprise Linux

Mozilla Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) version


Most recent version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge

Tier 2

Tier 3


Earlier versions of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox


Other browsers

2.1.3. Client Requirements

Virtual machine consoles can only be accessed using supported Remote Viewer (virt-viewer) clients on Enterprise Linux and Windows. To install virt-viewer, see Installing Supporting Components on Client Machines in the Virtual Machine Management Guide. Installing virt-viewer requires Administrator privileges.

You can access virtual machine consoles using the SPICE, VNC, or RDP (Windows only) protocols. You can install the QXLDOD graphical driver in the guest operating system to improve the functionality of SPICE. SPICE currently supports a maximum resolution of 2560x1600 pixels.

Client Operating System SPICE Support

Supported QXLDOD drivers are available on Enterprise Linux 7.2 and later, and Windows 10.

SPICE may work with Windows 8 or 8.1 using QXLDOD drivers, but it is neither certified nor tested.

2.1.4. Operating System Requirements

The oVirt Engine must be installed on a base installation of Enterprise Linux 9 or later.

Do not install any additional packages after the base installation, as they may cause dependency issues when attempting to install the packages required by the Engine.

Do not enable additional repositories other than those required for the Engine installation.

2.2. Host Requirements

2.2.1. CPU Requirements

All CPUs must have support for the Intel® 64 or AMD64 CPU extensions, and the AMD-V™ or Intel VT® hardware virtualization extensions enabled. Support for the No eXecute flag (NX) is also required.

The following CPU models are supported:

  • AMD

    • Opteron G4

    • Opteron G5

    • EPYC

  • Intel

    • Nehalem

    • Westmere

    • SandyBridge

    • IvyBridge

    • Haswell

    • Broadwell

    • Skylake Client

    • Skylake Server

    • Cascadelake Server

  • IBM

    • POWER8

    • POWER9

Enterprise Linux 9 doesn’t support virtualization for ppc64le: CentOS Virtualization SIG is working on re-introducing virtualization support but it’s not ready yet.

The oVirt project also provides packages for the 64-bit ARM architecture (ARM 64) but only as a Technology Preview.

For each CPU model with security updates, the CPU Type lists a basic type and a secure type. For example:

  • Intel Cascadelake Server Family

  • Secure Intel Cascadelake Server Family

The Secure CPU type contains the latest updates. For details, see BZ#1731395

Checking if a Processor Supports the Required Flags

You must enable virtualization in the BIOS. Power off and reboot the host after this change to ensure that the change is applied.

  1. At the Enterprise Linux or oVirt Node boot screen, press any key and select the Boot or Boot with serial console entry from the list.

  2. Press Tab to edit the kernel parameters for the selected option.

  3. Ensure there is a space after the last kernel parameter listed, and append the parameter rescue.

  4. Press Enter to boot into rescue mode.

  5. At the prompt, determine that your processor has the required extensions and that they are enabled by running this command:

    # grep -E 'svm|vmx' /proc/cpuinfo | grep nx

If any output is shown, the processor is hardware virtualization capable. If no output is shown, your processor may still support hardware virtualization; in some circumstances manufacturers disable the virtualization extensions in the BIOS. If you believe this to be the case, consult the system’s BIOS and the motherboard manual provided by the manufacturer.

2.2.2. Memory Requirements

The minimum required RAM is 2 GB. For cluster levels 4.2 to 4.5, the maximum supported RAM per VM in oVirt Node is 6 TB. For cluster levels 4.6 to 4.7, the maximum supported RAM per VM in oVirt Node is 16 TB.

However, the amount of RAM required varies depending on guest operating system requirements, guest application requirements, and guest memory activity and usage. KVM can also overcommit physical RAM for virtualized guests, allowing you to provision guests with RAM requirements greater than what is physically present, on the assumption that the guests are not all working concurrently at peak load. KVM does this by only allocating RAM for guests as required and shifting underutilized guests into swap.

2.2.3. Storage Requirements

Hosts require storage to store configuration, logs, kernel dumps, and for use as swap space. Storage can be local or network-based. oVirt Node (oVirt Node) can boot with one, some, or all of its default allocations in network storage. Booting from network storage can result in a freeze if there is a network disconnect. Adding a drop-in multipath configuration file can help address losses in network connectivity. If oVirt Node boots from SAN storage and loses connectivity, the files become read-only until network connectivity restores. Using network storage might result in a performance downgrade.

The minimum storage requirements of oVirt Node are documented in this section. The storage requirements for Enterprise Linux hosts vary based on the amount of disk space used by their existing configuration but are expected to be greater than those of oVirt Node.

The minimum storage requirements for host installation are listed below. However, use the default allocations, which use more storage space.

  • / (root) - 6 GB

  • /home - 1 GB

  • /tmp - 1 GB

  • /boot - 1 GB

  • /var - 5 GB

  • /var/crash - 10 GB

  • /var/log - 8 GB

  • /var/log/audit - 2 GB

  • /var/tmp - 10 GB

  • swap - 1 GB.

  • Anaconda reserves 20% of the thin pool size within the volume group for future metadata expansion. This is to prevent an out-of-the-box configuration from running out of space under normal usage conditions. Overprovisioning of thin pools during installation is also not supported.

  • Minimum Total - 64 GiB

If you are also installing the Engine Appliance for self-hosted engine installation, /var/tmp must be at least 10 GB.

If you plan to use memory overcommitment, add enough swap space to provide virtual memory for all of virtual machines. See Memory Optimization.

2.2.4. PCI Device Requirements

Hosts must have at least one network interface with a minimum bandwidth of 1 Gbps. Each host should have two network interfaces, with one dedicated to supporting network-intensive activities, such as virtual machine migration. The performance of such operations is limited by the bandwidth available.

For information about how to use PCI Express and conventional PCI devices with Intel Q35-based virtual machines, see Q35 and PCI vs PCI Express in Q35.

2.2.5. Device Assignment Requirements

If you plan to implement device assignment and PCI passthrough so that a virtual machine can use a specific PCIe device from a host, ensure the following requirements are met:

  • CPU must support IOMMU (for example, VT-d or AMD-Vi). IBM POWER8 supports IOMMU by default.

  • Firmware must support IOMMU.

  • CPU root ports used must support ACS or ACS-equivalent capability.

  • PCIe devices must support ACS or ACS-equivalent capability.

  • All PCIe switches and bridges between the PCIe device and the root port should support ACS. For example, if a switch does not support ACS, all devices behind that switch share the same IOMMU group, and can only be assigned to the same virtual machine.

  • For GPU support, Enterprise Linux 8 supports PCI device assignment of PCIe-based NVIDIA K-Series Quadro (model 2000 series or higher), GRID, and Tesla as non-VGA graphics devices. Currently up to two GPUs may be attached to a virtual machine in addition to one of the standard, emulated VGA interfaces. The emulated VGA is used for pre-boot and installation and the NVIDIA GPU takes over when the NVIDIA graphics drivers are loaded. Note that the NVIDIA Quadro 2000 is not supported, nor is the Quadro K420 card.

Check vendor specification and datasheets to confirm that your hardware meets these requirements. The lspci -v command can be used to print information for PCI devices already installed on a system.

2.2.6. vGPU Requirements

A host must meet the following requirements in order for virtual machines on that host to use a vGPU:

  • vGPU-compatible GPU

  • GPU-enabled host kernel

  • Installed GPU with correct drivers

  • Select a vGPU type and the number of instances that you would like to use with this virtual machine using the Manage vGPU dialog in the Administration Portal Host Devices tab of the virtual machine.

  • vGPU-capable drivers installed on each host in the cluster

  • vGPU-supported virtual machine operating system with vGPU drivers installed

2.3. Networking requirements

2.3.1. General requirements

oVirt requires IPv6 to remain enabled on the physical or virtual machine running the Engine. Do not disable IPv6 on the Engine machine, even if your systems do not use it.

2.3.2. Network range for self-hosted engine deployment

The self-hosted engine deployment process temporarily uses a /24 network address under 192.168. It defaults to, and if this address is in use, it tries other /24 addresses under 192.168 until it finds one that is not in use. If it does not find an unused network address in this range, deployment fails.

When installing the self-hosted engine using the command line, you can set the deployment script to use an alternate /24 network range with the option --ansible-extra-vars=he_ipv4_subnet_prefix=PREFIX, where PREFIX is the prefix for the default range. For example:

# hosted-engine --deploy --ansible-extra-vars=he_ipv4_subnet_prefix=192.168.222

You can only set another range by installing oVirt as a self-hosted engine using the command line.

2.3.3. Firewall Requirements for DNS, NTP, and IPMI Fencing

The firewall requirements for all of the following topics are special cases that require individual consideration.


oVirt does not create a DNS or NTP server, so the firewall does not need to have open ports for incoming traffic.

By default, Enterprise Linux allows outbound traffic to DNS and NTP on any destination address. If you disable outgoing traffic, define exceptions for requests that are sent to DNS and NTP servers.

  • The oVirt Engine and all hosts (oVirt Node and Enterprise Linux host) must have a fully qualified domain name and full, perfectly-aligned forward and reverse name resolution.

  • Running a DNS service as a virtual machine in the oVirt environment is not supported. All DNS services the oVirt environment uses must be hosted outside of the environment.

  • Use DNS instead of the /etc/hosts file for name resolution. Using a hosts file typically requires more work and has a greater chance for errors.

IPMI and Other Fencing Mechanisms (optional)

For IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) and other fencing mechanisms, the firewall does not need to have open ports for incoming traffic.

By default, Enterprise Linux allows outbound IPMI traffic to ports on any destination address. If you disable outgoing traffic, make exceptions for requests being sent to your IPMI or fencing servers.

Each oVirt Node and Enterprise Linux host in the cluster must be able to connect to the fencing devices of all other hosts in the cluster. If the cluster hosts are experiencing an error (network error, storage error…​) and cannot function as hosts, they must be able to connect to other hosts in the data center.

The specific port number depends on the type of the fence agent you are using and how it is configured.

The firewall requirement tables in the following sections do not represent this option.

2.3.4. oVirt Engine Firewall Requirements

The oVirt Engine requires that a number of ports be opened to allow network traffic through the system’s firewall.

The engine-setup script can configure the firewall automatically.

The firewall configuration documented here assumes a default configuration.

Table 3. oVirt Engine Firewall Requirements
ID Port(s) Protocol Source Destination Purpose Encrypted by default




oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

oVirt Engine


May help in diagnosis.





System(s) used for maintenance of the Engine including backend configuration, and software upgrades.

oVirt Engine

Secure Shell (SSH) access.






Clients accessing virtual machine serial consoles.

oVirt Engine

Secure Shell (SSH) access to enable connection to virtual machine serial consoles.



80, 443


Administration Portal clients

VM Portal clients

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

REST API clients

oVirt Engine

Provides HTTP (port 80, not encrypted) and HTTPS (port 443, encrypted) access to the Engine. HTTP redirects connections to HTTPS.





Administration Portal clients

VM Portal clients

oVirt Engine

Provides websocket proxy access for a web-based console client, noVNC, when the websocket proxy is running on the Engine.





oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

oVirt Engine

If Kdump is enabled on the hosts, open this port for the fence_kdump listener on the Engine. See fence_kdump Advanced Configuration. fence_kdump doesn’t provide a way to encrypt the connection. However, you can manually configure this port to block access from hosts that are not eligible.





Administration Portal clients

oVirt Engine (ovirt-imageio service)

Required for communication with the ovirt-imageo service.





oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

Open Virtual Network (OVN) southbound database

Connect to Open Virtual Network (OVN) database





Clients of external network provider for OVN

External network provider for OVN

OpenStack Networking API

Yes, with configuration generated by engine-setup.




Clients of external network provider for OVN

External network provider for OVN

OpenStack Identity API

Yes, with configuration generated by engine-setup.




oVirt Engine

DNS Server

DNS lookup requests from ports above 1023 to port 53, and responses. Open by default.





oVirt Engine

NTP Server

NTP requests from ports above 1023 to port 123, and responses. Open by default.


  • A port for the OVN northbound database (6641) is not listed because, in the default configuration, the only client for the OVN northbound database (6641) is ovirt-provider-ovn. Because they both run on the same host, their communication is not visible to the network.

  • By default, Enterprise Linux allows outbound traffic to DNS and NTP on any destination address. If you disable outgoing traffic, make exceptions for the Engine to send requests to DNS and NTP servers. Other nodes may also require DNS and NTP. In that case, consult the requirements for those nodes and configure the firewall accordingly.

2.3.5. Host Firewall Requirements

Enterprise Linux hosts and oVirt Nodes (oVirt Node) require a number of ports to be opened to allow network traffic through the system’s firewall. The firewall rules are automatically configured by default when adding a new host to the Engine, overwriting any pre-existing firewall configuration.

To disable automatic firewall configuration when adding a new host, clear the Automatically configure host firewall check box under Advanced Parameters.

Table 4. Virtualization Host Firewall Requirements
ID Port(s) Protocol Source Destination Purpose Encrypted by default




oVirt Engine

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

Secure Shell (SSH) access.






oVirt Engine

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

Secure Shell (SSH) access to enable connection to virtual machine serial consoles.





oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

oVirt Engine

Simple network management protocol (SNMP). Only required if you want Simple Network Management Protocol traps sent from the host to one or more external SNMP managers.






NFS storage server

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

NFS connections.




5900 - 6923


Administration Portal clients

VM Portal clients

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

Remote guest console access via VNC and SPICE. These ports must be open to facilitate client access to virtual machines.

Yes (optional)




Common Information Model Object Manager (CIMOM)

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

Used by Common Information Model Object Managers (CIMOM) to monitor virtual machines running on the host. Only required if you want to use a CIMOM to monitor the virtual machines in your virtualization environment.






oVirt Engine

Client machines

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

Required to access the Cockpit web interface, if installed.





oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

Virtual machine migration using libvirt.



49152 - 49215


oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

Virtual machine migration and fencing using VDSM. These ports must be open to facilitate both automated and manual migration of virtual machines.

Yes. Depending on agent for fencing, migration is done through libvirt.




oVirt Engine

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

VDSM communications with the Engine and other virtualization hosts.





oVirt Engine ovirt-imageio service

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

Required for communication with the ovirt-imageo service.





oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

Required, when Open Virtual Network (OVN) is used as a network provider, to allow OVN to create tunnels between hosts.





oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

DNS Server

DNS lookup requests from ports above 1023 to port 53, and responses. This port is required and open by default.





oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts

NTP Server

NTP requests from ports above 1023 to port 123, and responses. This port is required and open by default.




oVirt Nodes

oVirt Nodes

Internet Security Protocol (IPSec)





oVirt Nodes

oVirt Nodes

Internet Security Protocol (IPSec)





oVirt Nodes

oVirt Nodes

Internet Security Protocol (IPSec)


By default, Enterprise Linux allows outbound traffic to DNS and NTP on any destination address. If you disable outgoing traffic, make exceptions for the oVirt Nodes

Enterprise Linux hosts to send requests to DNS and NTP servers. Other nodes may also require DNS and NTP. In that case, consult the requirements for those nodes and configure the firewall accordingly.

2.3.6. Database Server Firewall Requirements

oVirt supports the use of a remote database server for the Engine database (engine) and the Data Warehouse database (ovirt-engine-history). If you plan to use a remote database server, it must allow connections from the Engine and the Data Warehouse service (which can be separate from the Engine).

Similarly, if you plan to access a local or remote Data Warehouse database from an external system, the database must allow connections from that system.

Accessing the Engine database from external systems is not supported.

Table 5. Database Server Firewall Requirements
ID Port(s) Protocol Source Destination Purpose Encrypted by default




oVirt Engine

Data Warehouse service

Engine (engine) database server

Data Warehouse (ovirt-engine-history) database server

Default port for PostgreSQL database connections.

No, but can be enabled.




External systems

Data Warehouse (ovirt-engine-history) database server

Default port for PostgreSQL database connections.

Disabled by default. No, but can be enabled.

2.3.7. Maximum Transmission Unit Requirements

The recommended Maximum Transmission Units (MTU) setting for Hosts during deployment is 1500. It is possible to update this setting after the environment is set up to a different MTU. Starting with oVirt 4.2, these changes can be made from the Admin Portal, however will require a reboot of the Hosted Engine VM and any other VM’s using the management network should be powered down first.

  • Shutdown or unplug the vNIcs of all VM’s that use the management network except for Engine.

  • Change the MTU via Admin Portal - Network → Networks → Select the management network → Edit → MTU

  • Enable Global Maintenance:

# hosted-engine --set-maintenance --mode=global
  • Then shutdown the HE VM:

# hosted-engine --vm-shutdown
  • Check the status to confirm it is down:

# hosted-engine --vm-status
  • Start the VM again:

  # hosted-engine --vm-start
  • Check the status again to ensure it is back up and try to migrate the HE VM, the MTU value should persist through migrations.

  • If everything looks OK, disable Global Maintenance:

# hosted-engine --set-maintenance --mode=none

Note: Only the Engine VM can be using the management network while making these changes (all other VM’s using the management network should be down), otherwise the config does not come into effect immediately, and causes the VM to boot yet again with wrong MTU even after the change.

3. Considerations

This chapter describes the advantages, limitations, and available options for various oVirt components.

3.1. Host Types

Use the host type that best suits your environment. You can also use both types of host in the same cluster if required.

All managed hosts within a cluster must have the same CPU type. Intel and AMD CPUs cannot co-exist within the same cluster.

3.1.1. oVirt Nodes

oVirt Nodes (oVirt Node) have the following advantages over Enterprise Linux hosts:

  • oVirt Node is included in the subscription for oVirt. Enterprise Linux hosts may require additional subscriptions.

  • oVirt Node is deployed as a single image. This results in a streamlined update process; the entire image is updated as a whole, as opposed to packages being updated individually.

  • Only the packages and services needed to host virtual machines or manage the host itself are included. This streamlines operations and reduces the overall attack vector; unnecessary packages and services are not deployed and, therefore, cannot be exploited.

  • The Cockpit web interface is available by default and includes extensions specific to oVirt, including virtual machine monitoring tools and a GUI installer for the self-hosted engine. Cockpit is supported on Enterprise Linux hosts, but must be manually installed.

3.1.2. Enterprise Linux hosts

Enterprise Linux hosts have the following advantages over oVirt Nodes:

  • Enterprise Linux hosts are highly customizable, so may be preferable if, for example, your hosts require a specific file system layout.

  • Enterprise Linux hosts are better suited for frequent updates, especially if additional packages are installed. Individual packages can be updated, rather than a whole image.

3.2. Storage Types

Each data center must have at least one data storage domain. An ISO storage domain per data center is also recommended. Export storage domains are deprecated, but can still be created if necessary.

A storage domain can be made of either block devices (iSCSI or Fibre Channel) or a file system.

By default, GlusterFS domains and local storage domains support 4K block size. 4K block size can provide better performance, especially when using large files, and it is also necessary when you use tools that require 4K compatibility, such as VDO.

oVirt currently does not support block storage with a block size of 4K. You must configure block storage in legacy (512b block) mode.

The storage types described in the following sections are supported for use as data storage domains. ISO and export storage domains only support file-based storage types. The ISO domain supports local storage when used in a local storage data center.


  • Storage in the Administration Guide.

3.2.1. NFS

NFS versions 3 and 4 are supported by oVirt 4. Production workloads require an enterprise-grade NFS server, unless NFS is only being used as an ISO storage domain. When enterprise NFS is deployed over 10GbE, segregated with VLANs, and individual services are configured to use specific ports, it is both fast and secure.

As NFS exports are grown to accommodate more storage needs, oVirt recognizes the larger data store immediately. No additional configuration is necessary on the hosts or from within oVirt. This provides NFS a slight edge over block storage from a scale and operational perspective.


3.2.2. iSCSI

Production workloads require an enterprise-grade iSCSI server. When enterprise iSCSI is deployed over 10GbE, segregated with VLANs, and utilizes CHAP authentication, it is both fast and secure. iSCSI can also use multipathing to improve high availability.

oVirt supports 1500 logical volumes per block-based storage domain. No more than 300 LUNs are permitted.


3.2.3. Fibre Channel

Fibre Channel is both fast and secure, and should be taken advantage of if it is already in use in the target data center. It also has the advantage of low CPU overhead as compared to iSCSI and NFS. Fibre Channel can also use multipathing to improve high availability.

oVirt supports 1500 logical volumes per block-based storage domain. No more than 300 LUNs are permitted.


3.2.4. Fibre Channel over Ethernet

To use Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) in oVirt, you must enable the fcoe key on the Engine, and install the vdsm-hook-fcoe package on the hosts.

oVirt supports 1500 logical volumes per block-based storage domain. No more than 300 LUNs are permitted.


3.2.5. oVirt Hyperconverged Infrastructure

oVirt Hyperconverged Infrastructure combines oVirt and Gluster Storage on the same infrastructure, instead of connecting oVirt to a remote Gluster Storage server. This compact option reduces operational expenses and overhead.


  • Deploying oVirt Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization

  • Deploying oVirt Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization On A Single Node

  • Automating Virtualization Deployment

3.2.6. POSIX-Compliant FS

Other POSIX-compliant file systems can be used as storage domains in oVirt, as long as they are clustered file systems, such as Red Hat Global File System 2 (GFS2), and support sparse files and direct I/O. The Common Internet File System (CIFS), for example, does not support direct I/O, making it incompatible with oVirt.


3.2.7. Local Storage

Local storage is set up on an individual host, using the host’s own resources. When you set up a host to use local storage, it is automatically added to a new data center and cluster that no other hosts can be added to. Virtual machines created in a single-host cluster cannot be migrated, fenced, or scheduled.

For oVirt Nodes, local storage should always be defined on a file system that is separate from / (root). Use a separate logical volume or disk.

See: Preparing and Adding Local Storage in the Administration Guide.

3.3. Networking Considerations

Familiarity with network concepts and their use is highly recommended when planning and setting up networking in a oVirt environment. Read your network hardware vendor’s guides for more information on managing networking.

Logical networks may be supported using physical devices such as NICs, or logical devices such as network bonds. Bonding improves high availability, and provides increased fault tolerance, because all network interface cards in the bond must fail for the bond itself to fail. Bonding modes 1, 2, 3, and 4 support both virtual machine and non-virtual machine network types. Modes 0, 5, and 6 only support non-virtual machine networks. oVirt uses Mode 4 by default.

It is not necessary to have one device for each logical network, as multiple logical networks can share a single device by using Virtual LAN (VLAN) tagging to isolate network traffic. To make use of this feature, VLAN tagging must also be supported at the switch level.

The limits that apply to the number of logical networks that you may define in a oVirt environment are:

  • The number of logical networks attached to a host is limited to the number of available network devices combined with the maximum number of Virtual LANs (VLANs), which is 4096.

  • The number of networks that can be attached to a host in a single operation is currently limited to 50.

  • The number of logical networks in a cluster is limited to the number of logical networks that can be attached to a host as networking must be the same for all hosts in a cluster.

  • The number of logical networks in a data center is limited only by the number of clusters it contains in combination with the number of logical networks permitted per cluster.

Take additional care when modifying the properties of the Management network (ovirtmgmt). Incorrect changes to the properties of the ovirtmgmt network may cause hosts to become unreachable.

If you plan to use oVirt to provide services for other environments, remember that the services will stop if the oVirt environment stops operating.

oVirt is fully integrated with Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), which provides comprehensive network management capabilities, thus mitigating the need to manually configure the oVirt networking infrastructure. The integration is performed by configuring oVirt on Cisco’s Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) version 3.1(1) and later, according to the Cisco’s documentation.

3.4. Directory Server Support

During installation, oVirt Engine creates a default admin user in a default internal domain. This account is intended for use when initially configuring the environment, and for troubleshooting. You can create additional users on the internal domain using ovirt-aaa-jdbc-tool. User accounts created on local domains are known as local users. See Administering User Tasks From the Command Line in the Administration Guide.

You can also attach an external directory server to your oVirt environment and use it as an external domain. User accounts created on external domains are known as directory users. Attachment of more than one directory server to the Engine is also supported.

The following directory servers are supported for use with oVirt. For more detailed information on installing and configuring a supported directory server, see the vendor’s documentation.

A user with permissions to read all users and groups must be created in the directory server specifically for use as the oVirt administrative user. Do not use the administrative user for the directory server as the oVirt administrative user.

See: Users and Roles in the Administration Guide.

3.5. Infrastructure Considerations

3.5.1. Local or Remote Hosting

The following components can be hosted on either the Engine or a remote machine. Keeping all components on the Engine machine is easier and requires less maintenance, so is preferable when performance is not an issue. Moving components to a remote machine requires more maintenance, but can improve the performance of both the Engine and Data Warehouse.

Data Warehouse database and service

To host Data Warehouse on the Engine, select Yes when prompted by engine-setup.

To host Data Warehouse on a remote machine, select No when prompted by engine-setup, and see Installing and Configuring Data Warehouse on a Separate Machine in Installing oVirt as a standalone Engine with remote databases.

To migrate Data Warehouse post-installation, see Migrating Data Warehouse to a Separate Machine in the Data Warehouse Guide.

You can also host the Data Warehouse service and the Data Warehouse database separately from one another.

Engine database

To host the Engine database on the Engine, select Local when prompted by engine-setup.

To host the Engine database on a remote machine, see Preparing a Remote PostgreSQL Database in Installing oVirt as a standalone Engine with remote databases before running engine-setup on the Engine.

Websocket proxy

To host the websocket proxy on the Engine, select Yes when prompted by engine-setup.

Self-hosted engine environments use an appliance to install and configure the Engine virtual machine, so Data Warehouse, the Engine database, and the websocket proxy can only be made external post-installation.

3.5.2. Remote Hosting Only

The following components must be hosted on a remote machine:


Due to the extensive use of DNS in a oVirt environment, running the environment’s DNS service as a virtual machine hosted in the environment is not supported.


With the exception of local storage, the storage service must not be on the same machine as the Engine or any host.

Identity Management

IdM (ipa-server) is incompatible with the mod_ssl package, which is required by the Engine.

4. Recommendations

This chapter describes configuration that is not strictly required, but may improve the performance or stability of your environment.

4.1. General Recommendations

  • Take a full backup as soon as the deployment is complete, and store it in a separate location. Take regular backups thereafter. See Backups and Migration in the Administration Guide.

  • Avoid running any service that oVirt depends on as a virtual machine in the same environment. If this is done, it must be planned carefully to minimize downtime, if the virtual machine containing that service incurs downtime.

  • Ensure the bare-metal host or virtual machine that the oVirt Engine will be installed on has enough entropy. Values below 200 can cause the Engine setup to fail. To check the entropy value, run cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail.

  • You can automate the deployment of hosts and virtual machines using PXE, Kickstart, Satellite, CloudForms, Ansible, or a combination thereof. However, installing a self-hosted engine using PXE is not supported. See:

  • Set the system time zone for all machines in your deployment to UTC. This ensures that data collection and connectivity are not interrupted by variations in your local time zone, such as daylight savings time.

  • Use Network Time Protocol (NTP) on all hosts and virtual machines in the environment in order to synchronize time. Authentication and certificates are particularly sensitive to time skew.

  • Document everything, so that anyone who works with the environment is aware of its current state and required procedures.

4.2. Security Recommendations

  • Do not disable any security features (such as HTTPS, SELinux, and the firewall) on the hosts or virtual machines.

  • Register all hosts and Enterprise Linux virtual machines to either the Red Hat Content Delivery Network or Red Hat Satellite in order to receive the latest security updates and errata.

  • Create individual administrator accounts, instead of allowing many people to use the default admin account, for proper activity tracking.

  • Limit access to the hosts and create separate logins. Do not create a single root login for everyone to use.

  • Do not create untrusted users on hosts.

  • When deploying the Enterprise Linux hosts, only install packages and services required to satisfy virtualization, performance, security, and monitoring requirements. Production hosts should not have additional packages such as analyzers, compilers, or other components that add unnecessary security risk.

4.3. Host Recommendations

  • Standardize the hosts in the same cluster. This includes having consistent hardware models and firmware versions. Mixing different server hardware within the same cluster can result in inconsistent performance from host to host.

  • Although you can use both Enterprise Linux host and oVirt Node in the same cluster, this configuration should only be used when it serves a specific business or technical requirement.

  • Configure fencing devices at deployment time. Fencing devices are required for high availability.

  • Use separate hardware switches for fencing traffic. If monitoring and fencing go over the same switch, that switch becomes a single point of failure for high availability.

4.4. Networking Recommendations

  • Bond network interfaces, especially on production hosts. Bonding improves the overall availability of service, as well as network bandwidth. See Network Bonding in the Administration Guide.

  • A stable network infrastructure configured with DNS and DHCP records.

  • If bonds will be shared with other network traffic, proper quality of service (QoS) is required for storage and other network traffic.

  • For optimal performance and simplified troubleshooting, use VLANs to separate different traffic types and make the best use of 10 GbE or 40 GbE networks.

  • If the underlying switches support jumbo frames, set the MTU to the maximum size (for example, 9000) that the underlying switches support. This setting enables optimal throughput, with higher bandwidth and reduced CPU usage, for most applications. The default MTU is determined by the minimum size supported by the underlying switches. If you have LLDP enabled, you can see the MTU supported by the peer of each host in the NIC’s tool tip in the Setup Host Networks window.

    If you change the network’s MTU settings, you must propagate this change to the running virtual machines on the network: Hot unplug and replug every virtual machine’s vNIC that should apply the MTU setting, or restart the virtual machines. Otherwise, these interfaces fail when the virtual machine migrates to another host. For more information, see After network MTU change, some VMs and bridges have the old MTU and seeing packet drops and BZ#1766414.

  • 1 GbE networks should only be used for management traffic. Use 10 GbE or 40 GbE for virtual machines and Ethernet-based storage.

  • If additional physical interfaces are added to a host for storage use, clear VM network so that the VLAN is assigned directly to the physical interface.

Always use the oVirt Engine to modify the network configuration of hosts in your clusters. Otherwise, you might create an unsupported configuration. For details, see Network Manager Stateful Configuration (nmstate).

If your network environment is complex, you may need to configure a host network manually before adding the host to the oVirt Engine.

Consider the following practices for configuring a host network:

  • Configure the network with Cockpit. Alternatively, you can use nmtui or nmcli.

  • If a network is not required for a self-hosted engine deployment or for adding a host to the Engine, configure the network in the Administration Portal after adding the host to the Engine. See Creating a New Logical Network in a Data Center or Cluster.

  • Use the following naming conventions:


    • VLAN interfaces: physical_device.VLAN_ID (for example, eth0.23, eth1.128, enp3s0.50)

    • Bond interfaces: bondnumber (for example, bond0, bond1)

    • VLANs on bond interfaces: bondnumber.VLAN_ID (for example, bond0.50, bond1.128)

  • Use network bonding. Network teaming is not supported in oVirt and will cause errors if the host is used to deploy a self-hosted engine or added to the Engine.

  • Use recommended bonding modes:

  • Configure a VLAN on a physical NIC as in the following example (although nmcli is used, you can use any tool):

    # nmcli connection add type vlan con-name vlan50 ifname eth0.50 dev eth0 id 50
    # nmcli con mod vlan50 +ipv4.dns +ipv4.addresses +ipv4.gateway
  • Configure a VLAN on a bond as in the following example (although nmcli is used, you can use any tool):

    # nmcli connection add type bond con-name bond0 ifname bond0 bond.options "mode=active-backup,miimon=100" ipv4.method disabled ipv6.method ignore
    # nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name eth0 ifname eth0 master bond0 slave-type bond
    # nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name eth1 ifname eth1 master bond0 slave-type bond
    # nmcli connection add type vlan con-name vlan50 ifname bond0.50 dev bond0 id 50
    # nmcli con mod vlan50 +ipv4.dns +ipv4.addresses +ipv4.gateway
  • Do not disable firewalld.

  • Customize the firewall rules in the Administration Portal after adding the host to the Engine. See Configuring Host Firewall Rules.

4.5. Self-Hosted Engine Recommendations

  • Create a separate data center and cluster for the oVirt Engine and other infrastructure-level services, if the environment is large enough to allow it. Although the Engine virtual machine can run on hosts in a regular cluster, separation from production virtual machines helps facilitate backup schedules, performance, availability, and security.

  • A storage domain dedicated to the Engine virtual machine is created during self-hosted engine deployment. Do not use this storage domain for any other virtual machines.

  • If you are anticipating heavy storage workloads, separate the migration, management, and storage networks to reduce the impact on the Engine virtual machine’s health.

  • Although there is technically no hard limit on the number of hosts per cluster, limit self-hosted engine nodes to 7 nodes per cluster. Distribute the servers in a way that allows better resilience (such as in different racks).

  • All self-hosted engine nodes should have an equal CPU family so that the Engine virtual machine can safely migrate between them. If you intend to have various families, begin the installation with the lowest one.

  • If the Engine virtual machine shuts down or needs to be migrated, there must be enough memory on a self-hosted engine node for the Engine virtual machine to restart on or migrate to it.

Certain portions of this text first appeared in Red Hat Virtualization 4.4 {doc-name}. Copyright © 2022 Red Hat, Inc. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License.