
Much of this developer documentation provides historical context but may not reflect the current state of the project.
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IMPORTANT: The oVirt Scheduler Proxy project has been dropped from oVirt starting with oVirt 4.5 release. The oVirt Scheduler Proxy project development has been discontinued.

See also:

Keeping the following section only for reference.

Host Memory balance

This external load balancer will move a VM from a host that has less free memory than the specified amount:

This one is quite large, so lets break it down

Loading of the RESTAPI sdk, so we can do rest calls

from ovirtsdk.xml import params
from ovirtsdk.api import API
import sys

Our lovely class

class host_memory_balance(object):
    """migrate vms from over utilized hosts"""

What are the values a user can pass to this load balancer. (they will be shown as options in the UI)

In this instance the minimum memory threshold and should we be safe with the migration (try to move the smallest VM)

    # What are the values this module will accept, used to present
    # the user with options
    properties_validation = 'minimum_host_memoryMB=[0-9]*;safe_selection=True|False'

Class members

    TO_BYTES = 1024 * 1024
    free_memory_cache = {}

Connect to the REST webservice

    def _get_connection(self):
        #open a connection to the rest api
        connection = None
            connection = API(url='http://host:port',
                             username='user@domain', password='')
        except BaseException as ex:
            #letting the external proxy know there was an error
            print >> sys.stderr, ex
            return None
        return connection

Query the REST for these hosts

    def _get_hosts(self, host_ids, connection):
        #get all the hosts with the given ids
        engine_hosts = connection.hosts.list(
            query=" or ".join(["id=%s" % u for u in host_ids]))
        return engine_hosts

Get a hosts free memory, this requires a REST call, so we cache the results

    def getFreeMemory(self, host):
        #getiing free memory requires a REST call, so cache results
        if not in self.free_memory_cache:
                self.free_memory_cache[] = host.get_statistics().get(
            except Exception:
                self.free_memory_cache[] = -1
        return self.free_memory_cache[]

Passes over the hosts deciding which one needs a migration the most, and what hosts are valid options as the migration destination

    def getOverUtilizedHostAndUnderUtilizedList(self, engine_hosts, minimum_host_memory):
        '''return the most over utilized host,
        and a list of under utilized hosts'''
        over_utilized_host = None
        under_utilized_hosts = []
        for host in engine_hosts:
            if not host:
            free_memory = self.getFreeMemory(host)
            if(free_memory <= 0):
            if free_memory > minimum_host_memory:
                #take the host with least amount of free memory
            if (over_utilized_host is None or
                    > free_memory):
                    over_utilized_host = host
        return over_utilized_host, under_utilized_hosts

This passes over the hosts marked valid as migration destination, figuring how much free memory the most underused host have

(this number is the maximum possible memory size of a VM to migrate)

    def getMaximumVmMemory(self, hosts, minimum_host_memory):
        '''the maximum amount of memory that a migrated vm can have
        without sending the other hosts over the threshold'''
        maximum_vm_memory = 0
        for host in hosts:
            available_memory = self.getFreeMemory(host) - minimum_host_memory
            available_memory = min(available_memory,
            if available_memory > maximum_vm_memory:
                maximum_vm_memory = available_memory
        return maximum_vm_memory

Now according to the option selected (safe/aggressive) , get from the overused Host a VM to migrate

    def getBestVmForMigration(self, vms, maximum_vm_memory, memory_delta, safe):
        #safe -> select the smallest vm
        #not safe -> try and select the smallest vm larger then the delta,
        #   if no such vm exists take the largest one
        #migrating a small vm is more likely to succeeded and puts less strain
        #on the network
        selected_vm = None
        best_effort_vm = None
        for vm in vms:
                if vm.memory > maximum_vm_memory:
                    #never select a vm that will send all the under
                    #utilized hosts over the threshold
                if safe:
                    if (selected_vm is None or
                            vm.memory < selected_vm.memory):
                        selected_vm = vm
                    if vm.memory > memory_delta:
                        if (selected_vm is None or
                                vm.memory < selected_vm.memmory):
                            selected_vm = vm
                if (best_effort_vm is None or
                        vm.memory > best_effort_vm.memory):
                    best_effort_vm = vm
        if not safe and selected_vm is None:
            selected_vm = best_effort_vm
        return selected_vm

This function will be called by the external scheduler

It will get a list of host ids to check, and will return a VM to migrate and a list of possible host targets.

    def do_balance(self, hosts_ids, args_map):
        '''selects a vm from the most over utilized vm to migrate.
        if safe_selection is true selects the smallest vm from the host
        if safe_selection is false try and take a vm larger then the amount of memory the host is missing'''
        conn = self._get_connection()
        if conn is None:
        #get our parameters from the map
        minimum_host_memory = long(args_map.get('minimum_host_memoryMB',
        minimum_host_memory = minimum_host_memory * self.TO_BYTES
        safe = bool(args_map.get('safe_selection',
        #get all the hosts with the given ids
        engine_hosts = self._get_hosts(hosts_ids, conn)
        over_utilized_host, under_utilized_hosts = (
        if over_utilized_host is None:
        maximum_vm_memory = self.getMaximumVmMemory(under_utilized_hosts,
        #amount of memory the host is missing
        memory_delta = (
            minimum_host_memory -
        host_vms = conn.vms.list('host=' +
        if host_vms is None:
        #get largest/smallest vm that will
        selected_vm = self.getBestVmForMigration(host_vms, maximum_vm_memory,
                                                 memory_delta, safe)
        if selected_vm is None:
        under_utilized_hosts_ids = [ for host in under_utilized_hosts]
        print (, under_utilized_hosts_ids)