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Filter By VM Count

This filter only returns host ids of hosts with less running VMs then the specified maximum.

     class max_vms(): `   `**`returns` `only` `hosts` `with` `less` `running` `vms` `then` `the` `maximum`**
     #What are the values this module will accept, used to present
     #the user with options
     properties_validation = 'maximum_vm_count=[0-9]*'
     def _get_connection(self):
         #open a connection to the rest api
         connection = None
             connection = API(url='`[`http://host:port`](http://host:port)`',
                              username='user@domain', password='')
         except BaseException as ex:
             #letting the external proxy know there was an error
             print >> sys.stderr, ex
             return None
         return connection
     def _get_hosts(self, host_ids, connection):
         #get all the hosts with the given ids
         engine_hosts = connection.hosts.list(
             query=" or ".join(["id=%s" % u for u in host_ids]))
         return engine_hosts `   def do_filter(self, hosts_ids, vm_id, args_map): //<-- `**`This` `is` `the` `function` `that` `will` `be` `called` `by` `the` `external` `scheduler` `proxy`**
         conn = self._get_connection()
         if conn is None:
         #get our parameters from the map
         maximum_vm_count = int(args_map.get('maximum_vm_count', 100))
         engine_hosts = self._get_hosts(hosts_ids, conn)
         #iterate over them and decide which to accept
         accepted_host_ids = []
         for engine_host in engine_hosts:
             if(engine_host and
            < maximum_vm_count):
         print accepted_host_ids