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Copy the contents of the box below to /etc/vdsm/mom-balloon.policy on the hypervisor host.

### KSM ########################################################################

### Constants
# The number of pages to add when increasing pages_to_scan
(defvar ksm_pages_boost 300)

# The number of pages to subtract when decreasing pages_to_scan
(defvar ksm_pages_decay -50)

# The min and max number of pages to scan per cycle when ksm is activated
(defvar ksm_npages_min 64)
(defvar ksm_npages_max 1250)

# The number of ms to sleep between ksmd scans for a 16GB system.  Systems with
# more memory will sleep less, while smaller systems will sleep more.
(defvar ksm_sleep_ms_baseline 10)

# A virtualization host tends to use most of its memory for running guests but
# a certain amount is reserved for the host OS, non virtualization-related work,
# and as a failsafe.  When free memory (including memory used for caches) drops
# below this parcentage of total memory, the host is deemed under pressure. and
# KSM will be started to try and free up some memory.
(defvar ksm_free_percent 0.20)

### Helper functions
(def change_npages (delta)
    (defvar newval (+ Host.ksm_pages_to_scan delta))
    (if (> newval ksm_npages_max) (set newval ksm_npages_max) 1)
    (if (< newval ksm_npages_min) (set newval ksm_npages_min) 0)
    (Host.Control "ksm_pages_to_scan" newval)

### Main Script
# Methodology: Since running KSM does incur some overhead, try to run it only 
# when necessary.  If the amount of committed KSM shareable memory is high or if
# free memory is low, enable KSM to try to increase free memory.  Large memory
# machines should scan more often than small ones.  Likewise, machines under
# memory pressure should scan more aggressively then more idle machines.

(defvar ksm_pressure_threshold (* Host.mem_available ksm_free_percent))
(defvar ksm_committed Host.ksm_shareable)

(if (and (< (+ ksm_pressure_threshold ksm_committed) Host.mem_available)
         (> (Host.StatAvg "mem_free") ksm_pressure_threshold))
    (Host.Control "ksm_run" 0)
    {        # else
        (Host.Control "ksm_run" 1)
        (Host.Control "ksm_sleep_millisecs"
            (/ (* ksm_sleep_ms_baseline 16777216) Host.mem_available))
       (if (< (Host.StatAvg "mem_free") ksm_pressure_threshold)
            (change_npages ksm_pages_boost)
           (change_npages ksm_pages_decay))
### Auto-Balloon ###############################################################

### Constants
# If the percentage of host free memory drops below this value
# then we will consider the host to be under memory pressure
(defvar pressure_threshold 0.20)

# If pressure threshold drops below this level, then the pressure
# is critical and more aggressive ballooning will be employed.
(defvar pressure_critical 0.05)

# This is the minimum percentage of free memory that an unconstrained
# guest would like to maintain
(defvar min_guest_free_percent 0.20)

# Don't change a guest's memory by more than this percent of total memory
(defvar max_balloon_change_percent 0.05)

# Only ballooning operations that change the balloon by this percentage
# of current guest memory should be undertaken to avoid overhead
(defvar min_balloon_change_percent 0.0025)

### Helper functions
# Check if the proposed new balloon value is a large-enough
# change to justify a balloon operation.  This prevents us from
# introducing overhead through lots of small ballooning operations
(def change_big_enough (guest new_val)
    (if (> (abs (- new_val guest.balloon_cur))
           (* min_balloon_change_percent guest.balloon_cur))
        1 0)

(def shrink_guest (guest)
    # Determine the degree of host memory pressure
    (if (<= host_free_percent pressure_critical)
        # Pressure is critical:
        #   Force guest to swap by making free memory negative
        (defvar guest_free_percent (+ -0.05 host_free_percent))
        # Normal pressure situation
        #   Scale the guest free memory back according to host pressure
        (defvar guest_free_percent (* min_guest_free_percent
                                    (/ host_free_percent pressure_threshold))))

    # Given current conditions, determine the ideal guest memory size
    (defvar guest_used_mem (- (guest.StatAvg "balloon_cur")
                              (guest.StatAvg "mem_unused")))
    (defvar balloon_min (+ guest_used_mem
                           (* guest_free_percent guest.balloon_cur)))
    # But do not change it too fast
    (defvar balloon_size (* guest.balloon_cur
                            (- 1 max_balloon_change_percent)))
    (if (< balloon_size balloon_min)
        (set balloon_size balloon_min)
    # Set the new target for the BalloonController.  Only set it if the
    # value makes sense and is a large enough change to be worth it.   
    (if (and (<= balloon_size guest.balloon_cur)
            (change_big_enough guest balloon_size))
        (guest.Control "balloon_target" balloon_size)

(def grow_guest (guest)
    # There is only work to do if the guest is ballooned
    (if (< guest.balloon_cur guest.balloon_max) {
        # Minimally, increase so the guest has its desired free memory
        (defvar guest_used_mem (- (guest.StatAvg "balloon_cur")
                                  (guest.StatAvg "mem_unused")))
        (defvar balloon_min (+ guest_used_mem (* min_guest_free_percent
        # Otherwise, increase according to the max balloon change
        (defvar balloon_size (* guest.balloon_cur
                                (+ 1 max_balloon_change_percent)))

        # Determine the new target for the BalloonController.  Only set
        # if the value is a large enough for the change to be worth it. 
        (if (> balloon_size guest.balloon_max)
            (set balloon_size guest.balloon_max) 0)
        (if (< balloon_size balloon_min)
            (set balloon_size balloon_min) 0)
        (if (change_big_enough guest balloon_size)
            (guest.Control "balloon_target" balloon_size) 0)
    } 0)

### Main script
# Methodology: The goal is to shrink all guests fairly and by an amount
# scaled to the level of host memory pressure.  If the host is under
# severe pressure, scale back more aggressively.  We don't yet handle
# symptoms of over-ballooning guests or try to balloon idle guests more
# aggressively.  When the host is not under memory pressure, slowly
# deflate the balloons.

(defvar host_free_percent (/ (Host.StatAvg "mem_free") Host.mem_available))
(if (< host_free_percent pressure_threshold)
    (with Guests guest (shrink_guest guest))
    (with Guests guest (grow_guest guest)))