
Feature pages are design documents that developers have created while collaborating on oVirt.

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NUMA and Virtual NUMA


This feature allow Enterprise customers to provision large guests for their traditional scale-up enterprise workloads and expect low overhead due to visualization.

  • Query target host’s NUMA topology
  • NUMA bindings of guest resources (vCPUs & memory)
  • Virtual NUMA topology

You may also refer to the simple feature page.


Current status

  • Target Release: oVirt 3.5
  • Status: design
  • Last updated: 25 Mar 2014

This is the detailed design page for NUMA and Virtual NUMA

Data flow diagram

Interface & data structure

Interface between VDSM and libvirt

  1. I-1.1 Host’s NUMA node index and CPU id of each NUMA node
  2. I-1.2 Host’s NUMA node memory information, include total and free memory
  3. I-1.5 Configuration of VM’s memory allocation mode and memory comes from which NUMA nodes
  4. I-1.6 Configuration of VM’s virtual NUMA topology
  • I-1.1 Seek the host NUMA nodes information by using getCapabilities API in libvirt
                <cells num='1'>
                    <cell id='0'>
                        <cpus num='2'>
                            <cpu id='0'/>
                            <cpu id='1'/>
  • I-1.2 Seek the host NUMA nodes memory information by using getMemoryStats API in libvirt, the below is the data format of API returned value
    { total: int, free: int }
  • I-1.5 Create a new function appendNumaTune in VDSM vm module to write the VM numatune configuration into libvirt domain xml follow the below format
            <memory mode='interleave' nodeset='0-1'/>
  • I-1.6 Modify function appendCpu in VDSM vm module to write the VM virtual NUMA topology configuration into libvirt domain xml follow the below format
          <cell cpus='0-7' memory='10485760'/>
          <cell cpus='8-15' memory='10485760'/>

Interface between VDSM and Host

  1. I-1.3 Statistics data of each host CPU core which include %usr (%usr+%nice), %sys and %idle.
  2. I-1.4 Data structure to be provided to MOM component
  3. I-1.7 NUMA distances capture from command
  4. I-1.8 Automatic NUMA balancing on host
  • I-1.3 Sampling host CPU statistics data in /proc/stat, the whole data format is showing as below. We will use column 1 to 5 which include user, system, nice and idle CPU handlers to calculate CPU statistics data in engine side
    $ cat /proc/stat
    cpu  268492078 16093 132943706 6545294629 19023496 898 138160 0 57789592
    cpu0 62042038 3012 52198814 1638619972 2438624 4 12068 0 16721375
    cpu1 62779520 2733 25830756 1647361083 6001324 1 34617 0 16341547
    cpu2 77892630 5788 32963856 1610093241 8367287 889 80447 0 8205583
    cpu3 65777888 4559 21950279 1649220333 2216260 4 11027 0 16521086
  • I-1.4 Data structure that provided to MOM component

MOM use the VDSM HypervisorInterface using Global.getCapabilities function to get host NUMA topology data

    'autoNumaBalancing': int
    'numaNodeDistance': {'<nodeIndex>': [int], ...}
    'numaNodes': {'<nodeIndex>': {'cpus': [int], 'totalMemory': 'str'}, }

using Global.getStats function to get host NUMA statistics data

    'numaNodeMemFree': {'<nodeIndex>': {'memFree': 'str', 'memPercent': int}, }
    'cpuStatistics': {'<cpuId>': {'nodeIndex': int, 'cpuSys': 'str', 'cpuIdle': 'str', 'cpuUser': 'str'}, }
  • I-1.7 libivirt API do not support to get NUMA distances information, so we use command numactl to get the distances information
    $ numactl -H
    node distances:
    node   0   1
      0:  10  20
      1:  20  10
  • I-1.8 In kernels who having Automatic NUMA balancing feature, use command sysctl -a |grep numa_balancing to check the Automatic NUMA balancing value is turn on or off
    $ sysctl -a | grep numa_balancing
    kernel.numa_balancing = 1

Interface between VDSM and engine core

  1. I-2.1 Report host support automatic NUMA balancing situation, NUMA node distances, NUMA nodes information, include NUMA node index, cpu ids and total memory, from VDSM to engine core
  2. I-2.2 Report host NUMA nodes memory information (free memory and used memory percentage) and each cpu statistics (system, idle, user cpu percentage) from VDSM to engine core
  3. I-2.3 Configuration of set VM’s numatune and virtual NUMA topology from engine core to VDSM
  • I-2.1 Transfer data format of host NUMA nodes information
    'autoNumaBalancing': int
    'numaDistances': {'<nodeIndex>': [int], ...}
    'numaNodes': {'<nodeIndex>': {'cpus': [int], 'totalMemory': 'str'}, }
  • I-2.2 Transfer data format of host CPU statistics and NUMA nodes memory information
    'numaNodeMemFree': {'<nodeIndex>': {'memFree': 'str', 'memPercent': int}, }
    'cpuStatistics': {'<cpuId>': {'numaNodeIndex': int, 'cpuSys': 'str', 'cpuIdle': 'str', 'cpuUser': 'str'}, }
  • I-2.3 Transfer data format of set VM numatune and virtual NUMA topology
    'numaTune': {'mode': 'str', 'nodeset': 'str'}
    'guestNumaNodes': [{'cpus': 'str', 'memory': 'str'}, ]

Interface between engine core and database (schema)

  1. I-3.1 Schema modification of vds_dynamic table to include host’s NUMA node count and automatic NUMA balancing status.
  2. I-3.2 Add table vds_cpu_statistics to include host cpu statistics information (system, user, idle cpu time and used cpu percentage).
  3. I-3.3 Schema modification of vm_static table to include numatune mode configuration and virtual NUMA node count.
  4. I-3.4 Add table numa_node to include host/vm NUMA node information (node index, total memory, cpu count of each node) and statistics information (system, user, idle cpu time, used cpu percentage, free memory and used memory percentage).
  5. I-3.5 Add table vm_vds_numa_node_map to include the configuration of vm virtual NUMA nodes pinning to host NUMA nodes (this is a nested relationship table, store the map relations between vm NUMA nodes and host NUMA nodes which are all in table numa_node).
  6. I-3.6 Add table numa_node_cpu_map to include the cpu information that each host/vm NUMA node contains.
  7. I-3.7 Add table numa_node_distance to include the distance information between the NUMA nodes.

The above interfaces are defined with database design diagram

  • Related database scripts change:
    1. Add numa_sp.sql to include the store procedures which handle the operations in table numa_node, numa_node_cpu_map, vm_vds_numa_node_map and numa_node_distance. It will provide the store procedures to insert, update and delete data and kinds of query functions.
    2. Modify vds_sp.sql to add some store procedures which handle the operations in table vds_cpu_statistics, including insert, update, delete and kinds of query functions.
    3. Modify the function of InsertVdsDynamic, UpdateVdsDynamic in vds_sp.sql to add new columns auto_numa_banlancing and vds_numa_node_count.
    4. Modify the function of InsertVmStatic, UpdateVmStatic in vms_sp.sql to add two new columns numatune_mode and vm_numa_node_count.
    5. Modify create_views.sql to add new columns numatune_mode and vm_numa_node_count in view vms and vms_with_tags; add new columns auto_numa_banlancing and vds_numa_node_count in view vds and vds_with_tags.
    6. Modify create_views.sql to add new views, including view vds_numa_node_view which joins vds_dynamic and numa_node; view vm_numa_node_view which joins vm_static and numa_node.
    7. Modify upgrade/post_upgrade/0010_add_object_column_white_list_table.sql to add new columns auto_numa_banlancing and vds_numa_node_count.
    8. Add one script under upgrade/ to create tables - numa_node, vds_cpu_statistics, vm_vds_numa_node_map, numa_node_cpu_map, numa_node_distance and add columns in table vds_dynamic and vm_static.
    9. Create the following indexes:
      • Index on column vm_or_vds_guid of table numa_node
      • Index on column vds_id of table vds_cpu_statistics
      • Index on column numa_node_id of table numa_node_cpu_map
      • Index on column numa_node_id of table numa_node_distance
      • Indexes on each of the columns vm_numa_node_id and vds_numa_node_id of table vm_vds_numa_node_map
  • Related DAO change:
    1. Add NumaNodeDAO and related implemention to provide data save, update, delete and kinds of queries in table numa_node, numa_node_cpu_map, vm_vds_numa_node_map and numa_node_distance. Add NumaNodeDAOTest for NumaNodeDAO meanwhile.
    2. Add VdsCpuStatisticsDao and related implementation to provide data save, update, delete and kinds of queries in table vds_cpu_statistics. Add VdsCpuStatisticsDAOTest for VdsCpuStatisticsDAO meanwhile.
    3. Modify VdsDynamicDAODbFacadeImpl and VdsDAODbFacadeImpl to add the map of new columns auto_numa_banlancing and vds_numa_node_count. Run VdsDynamicDAOTest to verify the modification.
    4. Modify VmStaticDAODbFacadeImpl and VmDAODbFacadeImpl to add the map of new columns numatune_mode and numa_node_count. Run VmStaticDAOTest to verify the modification.
  • Related search engine change

Currently, we plan to provide below search functions about NUMA feature, each field support the numeric relation of “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”, “=”, “!=”.

  1. Search hosts with the below NUMA related fields:
    • NUMA node number
    • NUMA node cpu count
    • NUMA node total memory
    • NUMA node memory usage
    • NUMA node cpu usage
  2. Search vms with the below NUMA related fields:
    • NUMA tune mode
    • Virtual NUMA node number
    • Virtual NUMA node vcpu count
    • Virtual NUMA node total memory

NUMA tune mode support enum value relation, the others support the numeric relation.

We will do the following modifications:

  1. Modify org.ovirt.engine.core.searchbackend.SearchObjects to add new entry NUMANODES.
  2. Add org.ovirt.engine.core.searchbackend.NumaNodeConditionFieldAutoCompleter to provide NUMA node related filters auto completion;
  3. Modify org.ovirt.engine.core.searchbackend.SearchObjectAutoCompleter to add new joins, one is HOST joins NUMANODES on vds_id, the other is VM joins NUMANODES on vm_guid.
  4. Add new entries in entitySearchInfo accordingly. NUMANODES will use new added view vds_numa_node_view and view vm_numa_node_view.
  5. Modify org.ovirt.engine.core.searchbackend.VdsCrossRefAutoCompleter to add auto complete entry NUMANODES.
  • Cascade-delete
    1. When user remove a virtual NUMA node, the related rows in table numa_node_cpu_map, vm_vds_numa_node_map, numa_node_distance (maybe in future, currently no distance information for virtual NUMA node) and numa_node should be removed meanwhile.
    2. When user remove a vm, all the virtual NUMA nodes of this vm should be removed, follow above item to do the cascade-delete.
    3. When user remove a host, the related rows in table numa_node_cpu_map, vm_vds_numa_node_map, numa_node_distance, numa_node and vds_cpu_statistics should be removed meanwhile.

Interface and data structure in engine core

  • Entities
    • VDS has many VdsNumaNode objects in dynamic data (collect from vds capatibility)
    • VdsNumaNode is core entity for host NUMA topology, it links one statistics object VdsNumaNodeStatistics which contains some real-time data (free memory, NUMA node cpu usage etc.)
    • VM has many VmNumaNode object in dynamic data (configured by user)
    • VmNumaNode is core entity for VM NUMA topology.
    • NumaTuneMode is the memory tune mode (configured by user).
    • VdsNumaNode has one-to-many relationship with VmNumaNode.
    • VdsNumaNode.cpuIds links with CpuStatistics.cpuId to take a look inside NUMA node each CPU usage
  • Action & Query
    • GetVdsNumaNodeByVdsId, GetVmNumaNodeByVmId, GetVmNumaNodeByVdsNumaNodeId, GetCpuStatsByVdsId use same parameters IdQueryParameters
    • AddVmNumaNode, UpdateVmNuamNode, RemoveVmNuamNode use same parameters VmNumaNodeParameters to manage Virtual NUMA node in VM
    • SetNumaTuneMode use parameters NumaTuneModeParameters to set the NUMA tuning mode for VM
    • GetVdsNumaNodeByVdsId will return List<VdsNumaNode>
    • GetVmNumaNodeByVmId, GetVmNumaNodeByVdsNumaNodeId will return List<VmNumaNode>
    • GetVmNumaNodeByVdsNumaNodeId will query the VmNumaNodes under the VdsNumaNode
    • GetCpuStatsByVdsId will return List<CpuStatistics>
    • When VmNumaNodeParameters.vdsNumaNodeId is set to null, the VmNumaNode is unsigned.

Interface and data structure in ovirt scheduler

Add NUMA filter and weight module to oVirt’s scheduler, and add those to all cluster policies (inc. user defined).

  • NUMA Filter
    • Fetches the (scheduled) VM virutal NUMA nodes.
    • Fetches all virtual NUMA nodes topology ( CPU count, total memory ).
    • Fetches all hosts NUMA nodes topology ( CPU count, total memory ).
    • Remove all hosts that doesn’t meet the matched NUMA nodes topology
      • for positive, host NUMA node’s CPU count > virtual NUMA node’s CPU count
      • for positive, host NUMA node’s total memory > virtual NUMA node’s total memory
  • NUMA Weight Module
    • Fetches the (scheduled) VM virutal NUMA nodes.
    • Fetches all virtual NUMA nodes topology ( CPU count, total memory, NUMA distance ).
    • Fetches all hosts NUMA nodes topology and statistics ( CPU usage, free memory ).
    • Score the hosts according to each NUMA nodes score
      • for positive, in case a VM of the group is running on a certain host, give all other hosts a higher weight.
      • for positive, give the host higher weight if the host NUMA node’s CPU usage use up.
      • for positive, give the host higher weight if the host NUMA node’s memory use up.

Scheduler generate virtual NUMA topology To be continue …

Interface and data structure in restful API

host NUMA sub-collection

  • Supported actions - GET returns a list of host NUMA nodes. (using query GetVdsNumaNodeByVdsId)

host NUMA resource

  • Supported actions
    • GET returns a specific NUMA node information: CPU list, total memory, map of distance with other nodes. (using VdsNumaNode properties)

host NUMA statistics

  • Supported actions
    • GET returns a specific NUMA node statistics data: CPU usage, free memory. (using VdsNumaNode property NumaNodeStatistics)

vm virtual NUMA sub-collection

  • Supported actions:
    • GET returns a list of VM virtual NUMA nodes. (using query GetVmNumaNodeByVmId)
    • POST attach a new virtual NUMA node on VM. (using action AddVmNumaNode)

vm virtual NUMA resource

  • Supported actions:
    • GET returns a specific virtual NUMA node information, CPU list, total memory, pin to host NUMA nodes. (using VmNumaNode properties)
    • *PUT a virtual NUMA node configured on the VM. (using action UpdateVmNumaNode)
    • DELETE removes a virtual NUMA node from the VM. (using action DeleteVmNumaNode)