
Feature pages are design documents that developers have created while collaborating on oVirt.

Most of them are outdated, but provide historical design context.

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Generic Registration


This feature must deprecate vdsm-reg and provide a generic registration tool to make any supported distro (oVirt Node, CentOS, RHEL) be able to register against oVirt Engine using new registration schema.


  • Name: Douglas Schilling Landgraf (dougsland)
  • Email: dougsland AT redhat DOT com
  • IRC: dougsland

Modules involved or affected by this Feature

  • VDSM
  • ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm
  • ovirt-node
  • vdsm-reg
  • ovirt-engine

Detailed Description

This implementation will require:

  • Create the new registration tool.
  • Integrate it with oVirt Node TUI
  • Create a new tool to handle autoinstall which should use the generic registration to add new node into Engine. (deprecate vdsm_reg/vdsm-config too)
  • Persist conf files if it’s oVirt node based distro

Benefit to oVirt

The vdsm-reg was implemented many years ago, should be refreshed with updated programming and using new registration service. Also, have a tool to register nodes in any oVirt supported distro.

No dependencies


Example of testing:

  • In oVirt Node TUI:

  • In shell:

    # vdsm-tool register –engine-fqdn engine.localdomain

For more options:

   #  vdsm-tool register --help
   usage: vdsm-tool register [-h] [--node-fqdn NODE_FQDN] [--node-name NODE_NAME]
                  --engine-fqdn ENGINE_FQDN
                  [--engine-https-port ENGINE_HTTPS_PORT] [--ssh-user SSH_USER]
                  [--ssh-port SSH_PORT] [--nocheck-fqdn CHECK_FQDN]
                  [--fingerprint FINGERPRINT] [--vdsm-port VDSM_PORT]
    Tool to register node to Engine
    --engine-fqdn ENGINE_FQDN
                         Engine FQDN (See also: --check-fqdn)
     optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   --node-fqdn NODE_FQDN
                         Define node FQDN or IP address. If not provided, will be used system host name
   --node-name NODE_NAME
                         Define node name. If not provided, will be used system short host name (the name before the first dot in the system host name)
   --engine-https-port ENGINE_HTTPS_PORT
                         Define engine https port. If not provided, will be used 443
   --ssh-user SSH_USER   SSH username to establish the connection with Engine. If not provided, the user which is executing the script will catch and used
   --ssh-port SSH_PORT   SSH port to establish the connection with Engine If not provided, the script will use the default SSH port 22
   --nocheck-fqdn CHECK_FQDN
                         Disable or Enable FQDN check for Engine CA, this option is enabled by default (Use: True or False)
   --fingerprint FINGERPRINT
                         Specify an existing fingerprint to be validated against Engine CA fingerprint
   --vdsm-port VDSM_PORT
                         Specify the listen port of VDSM If not provided, will be used the default 54321
   Example of use:

vdsm-tool register –engine-fqdn engine.mydomain

  • In Autoinstall:

For autoinstall users can keep using the already know boot keys: management_server, management_port, management_server_fingerprint, hostname, engine_admin_password.

management_server: the key for oVirt Engine FQDN (required) hostname: specify oVirt Node hostname (required, otherwise it will be localhost.localdomain and oVirt Engine won’t reach it) management_port: oVirt Engine https Port (default 443/https) management_server_fingerprint: used to validate the oVirt Engine CA, use in the format: 11:11:11:11:11 engine_admin_password: Set root password and Enable SSH daemon BOOTIF: Network interface to be configured as ovirtmgmt network interface firstboot: Firstboot of node

Example for PXE or Grub for autoinstall of ovirt-node with dhcp:

     firstboot storage_init=/dev/sda adminpw=RHhwCLrQXB8zE management_server=engine.localdomain BOOTIF=ens3 hostname=node.localdomain

Example for PXE or Grub for autoinstall of ovirt-node with static ip address:

     firstboot storage_init=/dev/sda adminpw=RHhwCLrQXB8zE management_server=engine.localdomain BOOTIF=ens3 hostname=node.localdomain ip= netmask= gateway=

Example for PXE or Grub for autoinstall specifying ovirt engine port (Use for non default https port. The default engine https port is 443)

     firstboot storage_init=/dev/sda adminpw=RHhwCLrQXB8zE management_server=engine.localdomain:7443 BOOTIF=ens3 hostname=node.localdomain


The auto-registration is handled by /sbin/ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm-autoreg which detects if the user provided the autoinstall kernel argumentos and detects if the node is already registered consulting if OVIRT_NODE_REGISTER=True exists in /etc/default/ovirt.


  • Autoinstall log:


Documentation / External references

engine_page: vdsm-tool register verb integration

autoinstall: Use systemd service

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