Most of them are outdated, but provide historical design context.
They are not user documentation and should not be treated as such.
Documentation is available here.
Network QoS - detailed design
Network Quality of Service feature will be added to oVirt from version 3.3 and will support cluster version 3.3 or higher. The feature will allow the user to limit the inbound and outbound network traffic in virtual NIC level. In order to define more natural coupling of the QoS to a VNIC we define a new concept called VNIC Profile. The VNIC profile will be applied in oVirt 3.3 to all clusters and will wrap few of the properties currently defined directly on the VNIC. see /Features/Network_QoS for detailed description of the feature
- Name: Ofri Masad (omasad)
Current status
- Status: design
- patchset
Design and Implementation
The Network QoS feature includes two main parts:
- VNIC level QoS
- VNIC Profiles
The two parts will be developed in parallel
see : QoS Feature overview
We define a new entity called “NetworkQoS” - the QoS properties will be contained in this object. A NetworkQoS object will be added as a property of the VnicProfile entity.
Classes**’ - new entity with fields: inboundAverage(Integer), inboundPeak(Integer), inboundBurst(Integer), outboundAverage(Integer), outboundPeak(Integer), outboundBurst(Integer) **’’ - new Dao - add support to the NetworkQoS field
DB Change
Add network_qos table with 7 columns.
Column Name | Column Type | Null? / Default |
id | UUID | |
inbound_average | Integer | Null |
inbound_peak | Integer | Null |
inbound_burst | Integer | Null |
outbound_average | Integer | Null |
outbound_peak | Integer | Null |
outbound_burst | Integer | Null |
Not supported in this version
libvirt version 1.0.1 or higher is required to enable the QoS feature (vdsm 3.3 will use higher version).
- Add support of QoS properties in VDSM API: run VM, hot plug and update VM device verbs (update in schema)
- Add support in the vnic object and the vnic to_xml()
VNIC Profiles
GUI (VNIC Profiles)
see : QoS Feature overview
Classes - new class holding the VNIC profile properties**’’ - add fields: vnicProfile(VnicProfile) **’’ - add fields: nnicProfile(VnicProfile) engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.VmInfoBuilder**’’ - add support to the QoS properties **engine.core.utils.ovf.OvfWriter’ - add support to the QoS properties engine.core.utils.ovf.OvfReader**’ - add support to the QoS properties **’’ - new Dao**’’ - add support to the VnicProfile field **’’ - add support to the VnicProfile field
DB Change
Add vnic_profiles table with 7 columns.
Column Name | Column Type | Null? / Default | comments |
id | UUID | key | |
name | String | Not Null | |
network_id | UUID | Not Null | |
qos_id | UUID | Null | |
port_mirroring | Boolean | Null | moved from network_interface |
custom_properties | String | Null |
Add network_profile_id(UUID | null) to the vm_interface table - Represents the properties of the virtual NIC. |
Not supported in this version
Expected unit-tests
Special considerations
Dependencies / Related Features
Affected ovirt projects:
- backend
- Webadmin
- User Portal
- vdsm
Documentation / External references
- See: for documentation of the VM level network QoS XML.
- See: for documentation of the Host level network QoS XML.