
Feature pages are design documents that developers have created while collaborating on oVirt.

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Detailed External Events

Adding External Events to Audit Log


Currently all events audited in system are internal events. That means that all events are inserted to the Audit Log by the application. This document describes a requirement to enable injection of External Events to the system via API.


  • Feature owner: Eli Mesika (emesika)

    • GUI Component owner: Eli Mesika (emesika)

    • REST Component owner: Eli Mesika (emesika)

    • Engine Component owner: Eli Mesika (emesika)

    • QA Owner: Yaniv Kaul (ykaul)

  • Email:

Current status

  • Target Release: 3.2
  • Status: Design
  • Last updated date: Nov 8 2012

Detailed Description

Enable plug-ins to inject their own events to the system using API This will be done by adding a new AddExternalEvent command and expose it to the REST API External events should be displayed in the Events tab in UI and may be searched as any other event. External Events are classified as application events based on severity values of NORMAL, WARNING ERROR or ALERT Alerts that are deleted from the system are only marked as deleted in the audit_log table and not removed permanently from the database External Events can not use application variables, therefore no ‘$’ expressions should appear in the Event/Alert free message text


Adding deleted boolean field to audit_log with a default value of false Adding origin varchar field to audit_log with a default value of oVirt [1] Adding custom_event_id integer field to audit_log with a default value of -1 [2] Adding event_flood_in_sec integer field to audit_log with a default value of 30 [3] Adding custom_data text field to audit_log with a default value of empty string [4] [1] origin is a unique string that identifies the origin adding an event [2] custom_event_id is a sequential number that identifies the event/alert instance [3] event_flood_in_sec value will not affect application events [4] custom data value will be used to store any data about the event, (for example {a=xxx,b=12}) Update relevant views to return the additional fields.


Adding additional fields to AuditLog BE Handling additional fields in AuditLogDAODbFacadeImpl


Modifying AuditLogDAOTest to include the added fields Adding additional fields to fixtures.xml

Business Logic

Adding additional fields to AuditLog BE Adding the following types to AuditLogType


Adding severities for the new types in AuditLogDirector Adding AddExternalEvent command Adding AddExternalEventParameters with the following fields

    AuditLogSeverity [Mandatory]
    Message [Mandatory]
    Origin  [Mandatory]
    CustomEventId [Mandatory]
    CustomData [Mandatory]
    EventFloodInSec[[Optional] -- 30 sec if not defined
    UserId [Optional]
    DataCenterId [Optional]
    StorageDomainId [Optional]
    ClusterId [Optional]
    HostId [Optional]
    VmId [Optional]
    TemplateId [Optional]
    GlusterVolumeId [Optional]

Search Engine

Adding support for searching events by:


External Events can be filtered using origin != ‘oVirt


Add Event/Alert Flow: Invoke ..api/events/add API giving at least Description(the message text), Severity, Origin & CustomEventId When the Event/Alert is on a specific object, the object instance id should be set. Delete Alert Flow: Invoke ..api/events/delete API giving AuditLogId (this id is returned when adding an External Event) Mark the relevant entry of the Alert in DB with deleted = true Add a NORMAL event on the Alert deletion with all relevant details (user, time etc.)


Command Permissions

A new permission to access this command will be added by default only to superuser role. A new role that can inject External Events will be added and may be attached/added to any user in the system

Permissions on Entity Instances

There will be no permission check on entity instances on which External Events are injected The reason is that in order to invoke an External Events on an entity instance, the invoker should know the entity instance UUID and therefore we had already checked that the invoker has the right permissions on the entity instance when he gets the information. Also, double checking that in the AddExternalEvent command is not simple, since each Entity may have several ActionGroups (Create, Edit etc.) associated with it, so it is not clear which to check So, in order to keep things simple, we will assume that if the caller to Add External Event has the Entity UUID in hand, all we have to check is that he has permission to inject External Events


We will use the existing events URL (…/api/events) and the existing Event business-entity in the API and open the possibility to add (POST) a new event or delete an alert (engine will off course impose permissions check on this operation). 1) Add REST–>Backend mapping in EventMapper (right now only the other direction exists). 2) Add add() method declaration to EventsResource (this is the interface) 3) Add add() method implementation to BackendEvenetsResource (take example of creation implementation in BackendHostsResource) 4) Add delete() method declaration to EventsResource (forced for Alerts only in canDoAction) 5) Add delete() method implementation to BackendEvenetsResource 6) Add signatures to meta-data file (rsdl_metadata_v-3.1.yaml) 7) Add tests *Note that no update is required. *

Example of add event


User Experience

Global External Events will be displayed on the Global Events TAB Entity instance External Events will be displayed on the Events TAB when selecting the Entity instance External Alerts will be displayed in the Alerts TAB Events Grids (Both General and those displayed when an entity is selected) should display and allow sorting on the following fields :



Add additional fields to audit_log table upon upgrade Add the permission(ActionGroup) to manipulate External Events to other admin roles already defined upon upgrade.

User work-flows


Affected oVirt projects

Documentation / External references

RFE1 RFE2 Features/ExternalEvents

Future directions

External Event types should be exposed to the engine-notification tool in future releases Gathering Events/Alerts by the History ETL should be considered in future releases Separate between Events and Alerts in DB/BL/API Support search on custom_data