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Adding a new system administrator to a host
Here are the general steps for adding a new system administrator with ‘sudo’ access to a host.
Modify these steps for giving specific ‘sudo’ access, such as to backups, restarting web services, etc. when the team is ready to sub-divide admin tasks.
- Switch to the root user or use ‘sudo’ (preferable):
su - ## Or do all this with sudo, preferably
- Add the new user to the system:
useradd foo
- If the system uses e.g. the
group for sudo permissions, add the user to the appropriate group for sudo permission:
usermod -a -G wheel foo
- Create the user’s password to activate the account; the user will not use this password to login, but they need it for ‘sudo’:
passwd foo
- Create the user’s SSH config directory:
mkdir /home/foo/.ssh
- Change ownership of the user’s SSH config directory:
chown foo:foo /home/foo/.ssh
- Change directory permissions to read/write/execute for the user only:
chmod 700 /home/foo/.ssh
- Either paste the ‘’ contents in to ‘authorized_keys’ or …
vi /home/foo/.ssh/authorized_keys ## Then paste the
## contents in to the
## 'authorized_keys' file
## Or if no file exists ...
- … move the ‘’ file in to the directory with the new name of ‘authorized_keys’:
cp /tmp/ /home/foo/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Change the file’s ownership to the new user:
chown foo:foo /home/foo/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Confirm the file’s permissions are read/write for the user, read for everyone else, by changing them:
chmod 644 /home/foo/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Add the user to the ‘sudoers’ file:
visudo ## Add the following stanza
## for 'foo' below the one for
## 'root':
#* Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
- The final permissions:
ls /home/foo/.ssh/ -hal
total 12K
drwx------ 2 foo foo 4.0K Dec 3 19:38 .
drwx------ 3 foo foo 4.0K Dec 3 19:34 .. ## ~/.ssh is correct
-rw-r--r-- 1 foo foo 604 Dec 3 19:33 authorized_keys ## authorized_keys file is correct
Here are the final commands as run:
useradd foo
passwd foo
## If using the wheel group use the following command:
usermod -a -G wheel foo
mkdir /home/foo/.ssh
chown foo:foo /home/foo/.ssh
chmod 700 /home/foo/.ssh
## One of the following two methods for creating the authorized_keys file
vi /home/foo/.ssh/authorized_keys
cp /tmp/ /home/foo/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown foo:foo /home/foo/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 644 /home/foo/.ssh/authorized_keys
## If not using the wheel group, add directly to sudoers file with the following command:
ls -hal /home/foo/.ssh
Category:Infrastructure documentation Category:Infrastructure SOP