
Profiling Vdsm


This page collects informations and hints about how to profile VDSM. To profile VDSM, you need to do some small and self-contained modifications. Make sure you have the cProfile package available.


General recommendations

  • use standard python tools wherever/whenever feasible and as first choice: they are the most common, widely available, well understood and easily interoperable
  • bear in mind VDSM is a multi-thread and multi-process system daemon. It has both short-running and long-running threads.

collecting and inspecting statistics

The advantage of using the standard python tools is that statistics are in the Pstats format, so the standard way of inspecting them applies.

To explore statistics or to quickly change the presentation of the statistics, the pstats interactive mode can be handy

     python -m pstats /path/to/main/profile/data

quick description of the interactive mode

TODO: add helper snippets/scripts

profiling functions

If you want to profile single funcions, this decorator is a simple yet effective solution. Credit for this code goes to Antoni Segura Puimedon for the original implementation; the version presented here was edited with the sole purpose to be self-contained:

     def profile(func):
         from cProfile import Profile
         from functools import wraps
         from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
         def profiled_execution(*args, **kwargs):
   'profiling method %s' % func.__name__)
             profiler = Profile()
             ret = profiler.runcall(func, *args, **kwargs)
             prof_file = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w',
   'profiled method %s and dumped results to %s' % (
             return ret
         return profiled_execution

The “logging” module is already used extensively inside VDSM so it is assumed to be available. You can embed this snippet in the file containing the function you want to profile, or in the vdsm library code. In this case, a good place is lib/vdsm/ in the VDSM source tree.

profile the entire VDSM

To profile the entire VDSM, you may use yappi. Despite being a third-party solution, yappi fits nicely with VDSM because it is not intrusive and it is designed to work with long-running multi-threaded applications.

yappi is eaily installable from pip. It is a C extension, so make sure you have the C compiler and the python development packages installed.

FIXME explain how to integrate yappi in VDSM