can we manage/support developers launching qemu directly
consuming qemu via libvirt
can we integrate with systems that are already using libvirt
Addressing issues with libvirt
Are there kvm specific features we can exploit that libvirt doesn’t?
can we support a single vdsm node, but allow for building up clusters/groups without bringing in something like ovirt-engine
can we look at decentralized fail-over for reliability without a central mgmt server?
can we support an API that allows for third-party plugins to support new features or changes in implementation?
kvm tool integration into the API
there are lots of different kvm virt tools for various tasks and they are all stand-alone tools. Can we integrate their use into the node level API. Think libguestfs, virt-install, p2v/v2v tooling. All of these are available, but there isn’t an easy way to use this tools through an API.
Host management operations
vdsm already does some host level configuration (see networking e.g.) it would be good to think about extending the API to cover other areas of configuration and updates
hardware enumeration
driver level information
storage configuration (we’ve got a bit of a discussion going around libstoragemgmt here)
performance monitoring/debugging
is the host collecting enough information to do debug/perf analysis
can we support specific configurations of a host that optimize for specific workloads
and can we do this in the API such that third-parties can supply and maintain specific workload configurations