
Helper Utilities

The directory /usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils or on developer setup $PREFIX/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils contains useful scripts to help with various database issues.

fkvalidator is a script that must be run on a customer database before an upgrade The utility checks that all data inside the database is consistent and does not break any FK constraint lists the found problems and can fix those problem is the -f switch is used


Usage: [-h] [-s SERVERNAME [-p PORT]] [-d DATABASE] [-u USERNAME] [-l LOGFILE] [-f] [-v]

   -s SERVERNAME - The database servername for the database  (def. localhost)
   -p PORT       - The database port for the database        (def. 5432)
   -d DATABASE   - The database name                         (def. engine)
   -u USERNAME   - The admin username for the database.
   -l LOGFILE    - The logfile for capturing output          (def.
   -f            - Fix the non consistent data by removing it from DB.
   -v            - Turn on verbosity                         (WARNING: lots of output)
   -h            - This help text.

taskcleaner is a utility for clean async tasks and related Job Steps/Compensation data. The utility enables to: Display

   All async tasks
   Only Zombie tasks


   All tasks
   All Zombie tasks
   A task related to a given task id
   A Zombie task related to a given task id
   All tasks related to a given command id
   All Zombie tasks related to a given command id

Flags may be added (-C, -J) to specify if Job Steps & Compensation data should be cleaned as well.


   Usage: [-h] [-s server] [-p PORT]] [-d DATABASE] [-u USERNAME] [-l LOGFILE] [-t taskId] [-c commandId]
   [-z] [-R] [-C][-J] [-q] [-v]
   -s SERVERNAME - The database servername for the database (def.localhost)
   -p PORT - The database port for the database (def. 5432)
   -d DATABASE - The database name (def.engine)
   -u USERNAME - The admin username for the database.
   -l LOGFILE - The logfile for capturing output (
   -t TASK_ID - Removes a task by its Task ID.
   -c COMMAND_ID - Removes all tasks related to the given Command Id.
   -z - Removes/Displays a Zombie task.
   -R - Removes all Zombie tasks.
   -C - Clear related compensation entries.
   -J - Clear related Job Steps.
   -q - Quite mode, do not prompt for confirmation.
   -v - Turn on verbosity (WARNING: lots of output)
   -h - Help text.

unlock_entity is a utility for unlocking VM , Template and/or their associated Disks or a specific Disk VM , Template are given by their names while a specific disk is given by its UUID


   Usage: ./ [options] [ENTITIES]
     -h            - This help text.
     -v            - Turn on verbosity                         (WARNING: lots of output)
     -l LOGFILE    - The logfile for capturing output          (def. )
     -s HOST       - The database servername for the database  (def. localhost)
     -p PORT       - The database port for the database        (def. 5432)
     -u USER       - The username for the database             (def. engine)
     -d DATABASE   - The database name                         (def. engine)
     -t TYPE       - The object type {vm | template | disk | snapshot}
     -r            - Recursive, unlocks all disks under the selected vm/template.
     -q            - Query db and display a list of the locked entites.
     ENTITIES      - The list of object names in case of vm/template, UUIDs in case of a disk
     NOTE: This utility access the database and should have the
           corresponding credentals.
           In case that a password is used to access the database PGPASSWORD
           or PGPASSFILE should be set.
         $ PGPASSWORD=xxxxxx ./ -t disk -q