
Dev Process

Development Process

The code you write, and the way you present it, are crucial for understanding and maintaining the source code. Please read the following sections for guidelines on Git, GitHub, patch management and more.

Patch Review Process Goals

The patch review process goals are:

  1. Improving code quality
  2. Design improvements
  3. Openness, transparency, community
  4. Usable revision history
  5. Archived discussions
  6. Patches which can be cherry-picked

The oVirt project uses GitHub in order to review patches. If you are not familiar with the process, you can read about collaborating with pull requests on the GitHub website.

Basic Principles

Review Process

  1. Patches sent to GitHub for review
  2. A peer thoughtfully reviews the patch
  3. Feedback gratefully received
  4. All discussions on the patch must be done on GitHub
  5. Consensus formed, ACK or NAK agreed

Coding standards

who’s my reviewer?

If you don’t know who should review your patch you can either:

  • Ping the mailing list with the link to pull request or
  • git blame your code and trace recent users who committed code that you changed
  git blame HEAD~1 path/to/file -L {start},{end}

Patch Format

  • ovirt-engine patch format

Use the project template for a commit message:

  git commit -s -t config/engine-commit-template.txt
  • Other patch format (VDSM)
      short summary under 80 chars

       Longer description.
       With multiple paragraphs if necessary.
       Wrapped at ~80 chars.

      Signed-off-by: full name <mail>

Sending a Patch For Work In Progress

Patches in draft are blocked from being merged until they are “published”.

Read more about GitHub Draft Pull Requests on the GitHub site.

Describe your changes properly

  1. Not just “what”, but “why”
  2. Makes patches easier to review
  3. Incredibly useful to future developers and for you as well (don’t trust your own memory)

Separate your changes

  1. Each commit contains a single logical change
  2. Keep refactoring separate from bug fixes

Focus on details

  1. Adhere to coding style
  2. Adhere to commit message format
  3. Make your code beautiful
  4. Refactor if necessary
  5. Use whitespaces and not tabs
  6. Prefer understandable code over comments

Patch queues

  1. Each topic branch is a patch queue
  2. Send each branch as a series of patches
  3. Gives reviewers an easy story to follow

Git guidelines

Merge commits
  1. Don’t use ‘git merge’ or ‘git pull’
  2. Use ‘git rebase’ and ‘git fetch’ instead
  3. A merge commit is rarely what you want
Topic branches

Create a branch for everything you work on.

Interactive Rebase

You can also rebase with --interactive. It is very useful when you would like to re-write your own commit objects before pushing them somewhere. It is an easy way to split, merge or re-order commits before sharing them with others. You can also use it to clean up commits you’ve pulled from someone when applying them locally.

For more information on using interactive rebase see